Health Ministry
Our Health Ministry team offers resources and guidance to members and the local community regarding Health and Nutrition. Information on these topics are obtained from the writings of both Church Pioneer, Ellen G. White and many more recent researchers and practitioners. Vegetarian Cooking methods and recipes are a particular present-day need. Demonstrations of these are scheduled throughout the year. Our Health Ministry team may be contacted via the Contact page to arrange notification of the next event or answer enquiries. (Note that the inspired writings of E G White, though penned more than 150 years ago, are confirmed by subsequent and current authors).

Our library consists of a full range of hard and soft cover books plus a quantity of DVDs and CDs on all Christian topics. These are available on loan to church and community members. Browse with us on Sabbath mornings or by appointment. A convenient aid to learning.

Sabbath School
An hour each Sabbath morning, consisting of Preliminaries (20 minutes) followed by a weekly interactive Bible Study (40 minutes). Our Bible Study focuses on a Quarterly Study Guide produced by our General Conference (World Church) headquarters and observed worldwide by Seventh-day Adventist Churches. Each quarter's weekly lessons address topical issues and particular biblical themes and people. Through interactive discussion, Sabbath School "switches the light on" for understanding the Bible. Everybody is welcome to join in. 'See you there?

FM 88.0 Caloundra
Your station of choice. Programmes that bring an understanding of the world we live in. Health, Family, Spirituality, Hope and Peace.